Friday, September 12, 2008

Journalists admitting the pitfalls of relying on the internet


So I stumbled across this article on SMH. I thought it was interesting and relavant to the course.

So either visit SMH at

or keep reading :)

Truth, trash and the internet

* Saved

Graeme Philipson
September 9, 2008

Mea culpa: journalists must be vigilant for the facts in an online era of instant disinformation.

'A lie can run around the world before the truth can get its boots on." So said James Watt, inventor of the steam engine, back in the 18th century.

Or did he? Mark Twain is supposed to have said "A lie can run around the world six times while the truth is still trying to put on its pants."

Which quote is correct? Is either of them? Did Mark Twain rip off James Watt?

Try to find out on the internet and you'll very soon run into a confusing array of conflicting references and attributions. But the sentiment that the quote - or quotes - expresses is very true.

That is, disinformation passes through the world much more easily than information. Rumour spreads more quickly than fact, lies more easily than truth.

If this was true in Watt's day, and in Twain's day, it is even more true today. The internet has made it so.

And your correspondent, dear reader, who often rails against the iniquities and benefits of the internet era, was caught out. My own column has spread world-encircling disinformation while the truth has struggled with its boots, or pants, or whatever.

In this column last week, while illustrating how the computer industry has advanced over the past 30years, I quoted Bill Gates saying that if General Motors had improved its technology at the same rate as the computer industry, we would all be driving $25cars that get 1000miles to the gallon.

I said that GM responded with a press release saying that if it developed technology like Microsoft, cars would crash twice a day and every time they repainted the lines on the road you would have to buy a new car. I quoted from the press release: "Occasionally, executing a manoeuvre such as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which case you would have to reinstall the engine. Every time we introduced a new model, car buyers would have to learn how to drive all over again because none of the controls would operate in the same manner as in the old car."

Highly amusing. And totally wrong. Gates did not say that and GM issued no such release. I am guilty of gullibility, over-eagerness, and - worst of all - poor journalism. I did not check the facts.

I am sorry. Mea culpa. A couple of readers pointed out my error and I stand castigated and corrected.

My source? Myself - I used the story in another piece a few years ago. I didn't check it then and I didn't check it for the latest column. I found the "story" and used it without going back to original sources.

There is on the internet a website called It exposes urban myths such as the one I unwittingly and lazily propagated.

But, ever willing to make a virtue of necessity (a phrase used so often in our house that we have abbreviated it to "a V of N"), I thought I would use my mistake to illustrate a very important point.

And that point is the ability of the internet to obscure sources and to obfuscate the truth. "We are drowning in information but starving for knowledge" (try to find the origin of that quote on the internet).

Much was written, some of it by me, of this phenomenon. If you can find it, read what I wrote on these pages on February18. "It is hard to find quality amid all the dross. This has always been one of life's greatest challenges but it is vastly exacerbated by the internet, which is no respecter of quality or order and which makes it easy for the loopiest or most poorly expressed idea to be propagated."

Andrew Keen wrote a book last year called The Cult of the Amateur, subtitled How today's internet is killing our culture. Its thesis is that the internet, by giving unbridled access to the masses and allowing everybody to be a publisher, is lowering the standard of expression and debate. "The information business is being transformed by the internet into the sheer noise of a hundred million bloggers all simultaneously talking about themselves."

Keen is upset with untalented amateurs competing with "real" writers and YouTube videos competing against "real" films. He abhors Wikipedia: "Every visit to Wikipedia's free information hive means one less customer for a professionally researched and edited encyclopedia such as Britannica."

There is no doubt that the internet is full of the most abhorrent drivel and that at times it is very difficult to find quality among the pap.

The internet is but a facilitator. It makes the process of sharing information infinitely easier than it was. Unfortunately, it also makes it much easier to commit the kind of mistake I made - lies have always travelled faster than truth and with the internet lies are everywhere, while the truth is hard to find.

But would you have it any other way? My recent experience is a salutary lesson to me and I hope to you. But I for one don't wish to return to the dim, dark days of 15years ago, when we didn't use email, when Google and YouTube and Wikipedia and Amazon didn't exist, when the only way to read a newspaper was to find a physical copy.

I'm sorry I misled you. It's my fault - I'm not blaming the internet. James Watt (or was it Mark Twain?) made me do it.

1 comment:

Christina said...

thanks for using your mistake for the 'greater good'. It's like the oft quoted 'journalists never let the truth get in the way of a good story' or was it never let the facts ruin a good story or was it?...